Healthy People, Healthy Community, Healthy Lifestyles
Santo domingo health center will be closed monday 2/17/25
P.O. BOX 340 | 85 W. Hwy 22 Santo Domingo, NM 87052
Tel: 505-465-3060

Pharmacy Department

The mission of the Pharmacy Department is to provide safe, effective medications that support the highest quality of care for our patients.
Our Services
Our pharmacists provide much more than just your medications. We also provide many educational services such as:
How to take insulin
How to manage drug side effects
How small changes in your diet and exercise may help you feel better
How to improve sleep
How to help your children take their medicine
How to remember to take medications on time
How to safely dispose of unused medicines
Behind the Pharmacy Window
Santo Domingo Health Center Pharmacy is not like your typical retail pharmacy. Here's why:
We check every new prescription with your lab results and other medications to make sure you're getting the right dose the first time.
We can also dispense medical supplies for certain conditions such as diabetes meters and testing strips, nebulizers, syringes, sharps containers, pillboxes etc., making our pharmacy truly a "one-stop shop."
Our pharmacists take the time to educate you about your medicines: how and when to take them, how to manage side effects, what they're for.
We stock one of the largest varieties of medicines of any tribal health center, and we keep up with new drugs on the market.
Prescription Refills
Helpful refill information:
Patient's name
Patient's chart number of date of birth
Patient's next appointment date
List of ALL medications needing refills
Telephone number to reach you
**Some refills cannot be processed without a doctor's visit.
**Controlled substances require you bring your Driver's License or Tribal ID
​All Refills Requests will be ready within 24-hours
Any prescriptions that do not have refills will need to be communicated to your Primary Care Provider.

Do You Know How To Take Your Medicine?
Understanding how to take your medicine is key to having it work!You may be wondering if you should take it in the morning or evening, on an empty stomach or with food, and for how long?
Ask your doctor or pharmacist to go over how to take your medicine.
Call the clinic if your medicine's side effects are bothering you.
Don't stop taking your medicine without talking to the doctor.
Don't share your medications with friends or family members.
Check with the pharmacist if your pills look different with a new prescription.
Bring your medicines and glucometer to every clinic visit.
Attention Patients,
The pharmacy will fill outside prescriptions for medications that are on the SDHC Formulary. All outside prescriptions will be ready within one-hour from dropping off the outside prescription. For all outside prescriptions that are not on the SDHC Formulary patients are required to see their Designated Primary Care Provider so that a Non-Formulary medication request form may be submitted to the Pharmacy for approval.
If approved, all request take approximately 48-hours for special procurement. Patients with outside prescriptions for Controlled Substances that have been filled at another pharmacy will not be filled until the days? supply has lapsed. If a patient has violated our SDHC Controlled Substance Usage Agreement contract or any other Health Center/Provider Pain contracts the SDHC Pharmacy reserves the right to refuse to fill any outside prescriptions for Controlled Substances.
If a patient is filling multiple outside Controlled Substances at other pharmacies, per the New Mexico Prescription Monitoring Program (NM-PMP) report, the pharmacy will notify your Designated Primary Care Provider and the outside proscription will have to be approved by your Provider.
Patients on a Pain Contract from another health center may be required to see their Designated Primary Care Provider or the pharmacy may not fill their outside prescription. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to filling your outside prescriptions at the SDHC Pharmacy we recommend that you contact us at 505-465-3073.
Thank you.
KPHC Pharmacy